What To Do If You Catch Your Spouse Cheating

No one likes to talk about adultery, but it is unfortunately all too common in long term relationships these days. In fact, research conducted by Divorce Mag shows that 45-50% of women and 50-60% of men in long term relationships have committed adultery at one point. Further, studies conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) show that anywhere between 20-40% of divorces result from some type of infidelity. If you have caught your spouse cheating, follow the guidelines below and consult with an experienced Media, Pennsylvania divorce attorney to learn more about your options moving forward.
What Is Considered Adultery In Pennsylvania?
In Pennsylvania, adultery is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse with someone who is not your spouse. While not all states take into consideration acts of infidelity during a divorce, Pennsylvania does factor in any adultery that occurred when determining spousal support and property division. In fact, Pennsylvania courts have routinely denied any spousal support to a spouse who committed adultery. However, keep in mind that adultery is defined very specifically under Pennsylvania law, and any infidelity that does not amount to sexual intercourse will not be considered adultery by Pennsylvania courts. For example, while you may believe that your spouse kissing another person is just as bad as him or her having sexual intercourse with another person, the court does not see it in the same light.
Should I Stay With My Spouse After Adultery?
While it is absolutely possible to get over infidelity and come out stronger as a couple, you have to think about whether you are capable of truly forgiving your spouse for his or her infidelity, and whether you are willing to even try and mend the relationship. It is also important to realize that while forgiveness is possible, the fact that the infidelity happened will always be part of your lives and will never disappear completely.
What To Do If You Decide You Want a Divorce
If you decide that your relationship is too broken to mend, and your only option is to file a divorce, you’ll want to make sure you collect as much evidence as possible for your divorce proceeding. When you file for divorce, you’ll need to show evidence of your spouse’s infidelity. You do not have to show actual sexual contact, as that can be difficult to show, but you’ll want to show as much circumstantial evidence as possible, including text messages, emails, photos, videos, and any social media evidence available. Courts in Pennsylvania take adultery very seriously, and an adulterous spouse can be prohibited from receiving any spousal support, as well as a diminished portion of the marital estate.
Contact a Media Divorce Attorney Today
If you have had the unfortunate opportunity to catch your spouse cheating, call us today. Our divorce attorneys can help walk you through your options during this difficult time and fight for your rights. Contact the attorneys at Barbara Flum Stein & Associates in Media today for a confidential and free review of your case. Call us at 610-565-6100 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation today.