What Is An Uncontested Divorce In Pennsylvania?

When many people first think of divorce, they often think of a bitter courtroom battle. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case and in fact, most divorce cases are settled outside of the courtroom. If a couple can agree to most of the terms of a divorce, they can get an uncontested divorce. This type of divorce is highly misunderstood, though, and not all couples are eligible. Below, our Media divorce lawyer explains further.
Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce
There are three basic requirements for couples who want to get an uncontested divorce. As in all divorce cases, the couple must meet the residency requirement for divorce in Pennsylvania. One spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months before filing for divorce. The second requirement is that the couple must agree to the reason for divorce, and to all terms. This means that you and your spouse must agree a divorce is necessary, and that you can agree to all terms. The terms of your divorce will depend on the facts of your case but generally speaking, they include:
- Division of marital property
- Division of marital debt
- Child custody
- Child support
- Spousal support, or alimony
If you and your spouse can agree to the above terms, and any other term involved in your case, your divorce lawyer can draft the agreement. You and your spouse will then sign it and your lawyer will submit it to the court for approval.
Why Get an Uncontested Divorce?
Uncontested divorces have many benefits over contested cases, which must be resolved by a judge in a courtroom. These benefits include:
- Less costly: It is no surprise that divorce is expensive. Divorces that are litigated in the courtroom are much more expensive than those that are resolved through a settlement agreement. Not only will you incur attorney’s fees, but also court fees, expert witness fees, and more. All of this quickly adds up but many of these fees are not necessary when obtaining an uncontested divorce.
- Less time: Much of the cost of litigated divorces is associated with the amount of time they take. The longer a divorce case takes, the more expensive it is. An uncontested divorce case in Pennsylvania can take between four to six months, while a contested divorce can take up to one year or more.
- Confidentiality: Anything that happens in open court becomes part of the public record. This means anyone can look up personal and sensitive details. The details of an uncontested divorce, however, remain confidential.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Media Can Help with Your Case
At Barbara Flum Stein & Associates, our Media divorce lawyer can negotiate with your spouse on your behalf to help you reach an agreement and avoid the courtroom. Your best interests will be protected at all times and we will work tirelessly to ensure you obtain the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at 610-565-6100 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation with our attorney and to learn more about how we can help.
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