Tag Archives: Pennslyvania Division of Assets

Determining Who Gets to Keep the House In a Divorce
For many couples, a house is the most valuable asset they own, as well as the most nostalgic, with years of memories locked inside. As such, it is no surprise that one common point of contention during a divorce is who gets to keep the house. Like most questions that are raised during a… Read More »

Are Lottery Winnings And Personal Injury Settlements Marital Property In Pennsylvania?
What constitutes marital property is defined by law in Pennsylvania and a judge in a divorce case equitably divides the property between the divorcing spouses. While most types of property are easily to put into the category of marital property, there are others that are not so easily recognized as such. Settlements for personal… Read More »

Buying a House Before the Divorce Is Final
There are times when a couple that is planning to get divorced spends a period of time legally separated before the actual divorce decree is entered. The spouses often live separately and try to move their lives forward and take certain actions to prepare for their post-divorce lives. One such action is buying a… Read More »