Tag Archives: Media Divorce Lawyers

Fault-Based Versus No-Fault Divorce – Choosing The Right Approach For You
All states, including Pennsylvania, offer a version of a no-fault divorce for spouses who want to get divorced. Most states still allow fault-based divorce that allows one spouse to file for divorce based on something the other spouse did. A person seeking a divorce can generally choose which method to use when filing for… Read More »

Recording Conversations In Your Pennsylvania Divorce
Not everyone has recorded evidence of every instance their spouse says or does something that could be used in a divorce. When no one is around, one spouse may admit to hiding or misusing assets in order to ensure the other spouse does not get something in a divorce, or admit to bad conduct… Read More »

Divorce And Common Law Marriages In Pennsylvania
Not many states in the United States still allow couples to form common law marriages. Common law marriages are marriages that were generally formed based only on the intent of the parties in the marriage, without the formal recognition by the state. These marriages were often frowned upon by courts because of their difficulty… Read More »

Moving Out Of The Marital Home While A Divorce Is Pending
In most cases of divorce or separation, one spouse always moves out of the marital home while the other spouse keeps possession of the house or apartment. However, if both spouses are on the lease or co-own the house, it is not possible for a spouse to force the other spouse to move out;… Read More »

Changing Your Name After a Pennsylvania Divorce
People who take on a spouse’s last names upon marriage are not required to give up the name when the couple divorces. There may be an exception to this if the couple signed a prenuptial agreement requiring the spouse who takes on the other’s name to go back to using a maiden name if… Read More »

What Happens to Fertilized Frozen Eggs in Pennsylvania When a Couple Divorces?
Couples who use in vitro fertilization in order to have children often go through a lot of pain in order to get their chance to have children. Sometimes, a couple ends up freezing the fertilized eggs for future use, and then gets divorced before using the eggs. What happens to the eggs after the… Read More »

The Award of Alimony in a Pennsylvania Divorce
When a marriage breaks down and there is a significant income gap between the spouses, the question of alimony tends to come up. Alimony is a sum of money that is paid by one spouse to the other for maintenance purposes. It can be paid as a monthly sum, as a lump sum, or… Read More »

Buying a House Before the Divorce Is Final
There are times when a couple that is planning to get divorced spends a period of time legally separated before the actual divorce decree is entered. The spouses often live separately and try to move their lives forward and take certain actions to prepare for their post-divorce lives. One such action is buying a… Read More »