Social Media Considerations When Going Through A Divorce

Today, social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives. When you are going through a divorce, you may turn to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to lean on family and friends and get the support you need. However, any action you take while going through a divorce will impact your case, and this includes posting to social media. Below, our Delaware County divorce lawyer outlines the most important considerations when using social media during the process.
Things to Do on Social Media During Divorce
It is not necessary to avoid social media entirely when going through a divorce. You can still use it, as long as you know some important tips to follow. Some of the most important things to do on social media during divorce are as follows:
- Think before posting: Posting positive updates and photos to social media can be a good distraction and take your mind off of the divorce as you go through the process. However, always think twice before you post and consider how it may hurt your case. For example, you may think there is nothing wrong with posting a picture of your night out with friends when you had some cocktails. Your spouse, though, may use this to indicate that you have a drinking problem, even when that is not true. This could hurt your child custody case.
- Posting about your children: You may think you should not post anything about your children when going through a divorce, but that is not true. In fact, if you post that you attended your child’s soccer game or their recital, it could show that you take an active part in your child’s life.
- Consider who may see your posts: Many people never consider who is following them on social media. While you may have wanted your spouse or their family to see your posts at one time, that may no longer be the case. Always review your list of followers before posting to make sure it only includes people you want to see your posts.
Things Not to Do on Social Media During Divorce
While you may want to do certain things when posting to social media during divorce, there are also things you want to avoid. These include:
- Trusting privacy settings: Even if you think your privacy settings are very tight, they may not be. If you want to post something you do not want your spouse to see, simply do not post it.
- Boasting: You may be proud of the fancy new car you just purchased or of the promotion you got at work. Boasting about these things, though, could hurt you during property division or alimony hearings so avoid talking about them on social media.
- Talking about your case: Never talk about any detail of your divorce case on social media. In fact, you should avoid talking to anyone about your spouse or your divorce case with anyone but your lawyer.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Delaware County Can Advise On All Aspects of Your Case
There is a lot to consider when going through a divorce. At Barbara Flum Stein & Associates, our Delaware County divorce lawyer can advise on all of them so you obtain the best settlement possible. Call us today at 610-565-6100 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get the legal advice you need.