Category Archives: Property Division

The Law Does Not Consider Your Pet As Family During Divorce
Any pet owner knows that the pets in our lives are not just animals. They are members of the family. As such, when the family breaks up because two spouses get a divorce, it affects the people in the household, as well as the pets. Unfortunately, the family courts in Pennsylvania do not view… Read More »

How To Divide Marital Debt During Divorce
Most people know that when they get a divorce, marital assets are divided between the spouses. Marital assets include any property the couple acquired together during the marriage. Although dividing marital assets can be difficult, dividing marital debts can present even more challenges. It is not uncommon for spouses to try to shield themselves… Read More »

Wedding Rings: Are They Marital Or Separate Property?
During any divorce, the division of assets always has the potential to become a complex and contentious process. Under the equitable distribution laws in Pennsylvania, marital property is divided fairly during a divorce, but that does not always mean property is divided fairly. It is fairly obvious that some assets are marital property, such… Read More »

Complex Assets During Divorce Need A Media Divorce Lawyer
Divorce is always a challenge for anyone going through the process. Complex assets, or cases that involve one or both spouses with high incomes, can make the divorce process even more challenging. When complex assets are involved in a divorce case, it usually means the process will take even longer, and it will likely… Read More »

Prepping For Property Division In A Pennsylvania Divorce
In the course of any marriage, couples inevitably make decisions that lead to a mutual ownership of property and assets. Examples include a home, cars, investments, and a vast array of other tangible assets that bring purpose to that specific couple’s relationship. When couples decide to end their marriage and file for divorce, they… Read More »

Assets and Debts In A Divorce
When thinking of marriage, one often conjures images of eternal love, ceremony, and vows of commitment to each other. However, marriage also has a significant practical and financial benefit for couples in that it allows them to join finances, build wealth, and mitigate the risks of debt. When a marriage turns to divorce, many… Read More »

How Will Coronavirus Impact Your Divorce?
Having finally decided to divorce, few people want to put their plans on hold because of the pandemic sweeping the nation. The novel coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to sweeping changes in how we live our daily lives. In Pennsylvania, Governor Wolf has shut down schools and ordered many businesses to… Read More »

Should You Request the Family Home in Your Divorce?
Unless a marriage has been very short, couples usually acquire some property while married, and no asset is more valuable to most couples than their home. In a divorce, couples divide the property equitably or fairly. When we meet with clients, we go over the marital assets they have and discuss which ones they… Read More »

My Ex Refuses to Comply with the Court Order for Equitable Distribution
Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state. This means that a judge will divide the couple’s marital assets in a fair manner, considering all relevant circumstances. Couples can also decide how to divide up the property themselves and draft an agreement to that effect, which is often preferable. Dividing marital property, however, can be complicated…. Read More »

Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets? What Should You Do?
Most couples have accumulated marital property unless they were married for a very short time. Under Pennsylvania law, most property you acquired after marriage will be considered marital. It doesn’t matter if your husband put the house you bought in his name only. The home is marital because you acquired it while married. Exceptions… Read More »