Announcing a Divorce on Social Media

One of the worst parts of getting divorced is having to tell family and friends. Although well meaning, many friends will want to engage in a detailed discussion of how you are feeling, why the marriage failed, who is getting the house, etc. These discussions can quickly overwhelm your life.
Today, many couples are opting to post a divorce message on social media. Much as an obituary notifies the larger public that a member of the community has died, this message tells anyone interested that you are divorcing.
If you would like to publish a divorce message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or another social media platform, there are some rules you should follow. Our Media divorce attorneys are always happy to answer any questions you have.
Draft the Message Together
A divorce notice is not a post in which you tell your side of why the marriage is ending. Now is not the time to air dirty laundry, blame your spouse for initiating the divorce, express fears that you won’t get custody, etc.
To beat back this impulse, you should draft the message with your spouse. Truly get his or her input before posting anything. If you can’t stand to work together, at least run it by him or her via email or text message.
Be Light on Details
There is no reason to tell people more than they need to know. It is probably sufficient to post something like, “After 15 years of marriage, Megan and I have finally been granted a divorce decree.” If you want to share more detail with certain people, you can do that—offline.
Request Privacy
Some people might interpret this message as an invitation to bring up the divorce when they see you next, which defeats the purpose of posting a social media message. If you don’t want to talk about the divorce, mention that in the message.
It’s probably not enough to say, “Please respect our privacy.” Some people won’t get the hint. Instead, you might say, “There is no need to discuss the divorce when we see each other next. Consider your condolences as already given and received” or words to that effect.
Consider Not Posting Anything
Remember, many people can see your social media, especially if it is public. Let’s say you are applying for a job or promotion. Do you really want your boss to know you are divorcing?
Instead of making an announcement on social media, consider sending a mass email. This is a good way to notify a large number of people of events in your life while still retaining some degree of privacy.
Announce the Divorce at the Right Time
It is probably best to announce a divorce once it has been completed. This ensures that nothing you say will impact the divorce in any way. Divorcing couples also rarely need the additional stress of public gossip when trying to navigate divorce.
Thinking of Divorce? We Can Help
The Media divorce attorneys at Barbara Flum Stein & Associates are here for you. We are open during the coronavirus pandemic and can consult with you over the phone if necessary. Please contact us today.