Addressing Three Common Post-Divorce Issues

Divorce is a very emotional and stressful process. Once it is finalized, you may feel relieved that it is over. Unfortunately, just because your divorce is over, it does not mean that you will not face problems in the future. There are many issues that can arise post-divorce and it is important to know what these are and how to address them. Below, our Media modifications and enforcement lawyer explains what these are.
Reducing Child Support or Alimony Due to Loss of Income
It has been said that the only constant in life is change. If you are paying child support or alimony and have lost your job or experienced a significant reduction in your income, you can petition the court to ask for a modification. When asking the court to lower the amount of your payments, the burden of proof is on you to show that there has been a substantial, unforeseeable and permanent change of circumstances.
The court will consider many factors when deciding whether to grant the request for a modification. One of these is how your income was spent or how assets were used. The judge will also consider many factors regarding the needs of the former spouse or child who receive support.
You or the Other Parent Wants to Move
It is not uncommon for one parent to want to move after divorce. People move so they can be closer to their family, to accept a new job, or simply to get a fresh start. If a couple did not have children together, this is not an issue. When children are involved, though, the issue becomes much more complex.
State law in Pennsylvania requires custodial parents who want to relocate with their child to provide notice to anyone with custodial rights. Ideally, custodial parents should provide 60 days notice to give others an opportunity to challenge the move. If no one challenges the move within 30 days, they no longer have a right to take the matter to court. If someone does object, the court will consider many factors before making the final decision.
Enforcing Orders
When a divorce is finalized, the judge will issue many different orders pertaining to child custody, child support, alimony, and more. These orders are final and legally binding, but that does not mean everyone complies with them. If your former spouse is not complying with the divorce orders, you can petition the court to enforce them. If the judge agrees that your former spouse is in violation of a court order, they may find them in contempt. This can result in fines, jail time, and a modification of the order that is more favorable to you.
Our Modifications and Enforcement Lawyer in Media Can Help with These Issues
If you have gotten a divorce and now have a dispute, our Media modifications and enforcement lawyer at Barbara Flum Stein & Associates can help you resolve it. We can guide you through the process and help you prove your case so you obtain the best possible outcome. Call us now at 610-565-6100 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation.